Saturday, January 3, 2009

December Recap

We had a busy December. The snow made it even crazier. We had late starts for school on Tuesday (12/16) and Wednesday (12/17). Then we had no school Thursday or Friday. It was quite a head start to the Christmas break.

The kids got LOTS of time to play in the snow. Lily and Fletcher spent almost all day outside for a almost a week. By Christmas Eve, they were tired of playing in the snow.

Lily and Bayleigh after their winter concert

Fletch has a little snack break while playing in the snow.

The winter wonderland.

The view just to the right of the front porch.

After nearly 5 days of confinement in the cul de sac, we had to get to Starbucks and the grocery store (along with the rest of the population of Snohomish).

Grandpa with his smallest Stephens.

The biggest grandson trying to catch Mise for a picture.

Don't you just want to pinch those cheeks?

The biggest grandchild.

Gabe was a little camera shy.

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